Diversity is a condition when most people from any culture can gather into one occasion without concerning their differences. On last October, we’ve been invited to the one most exciting automotive event in Jakarta. Nope, we won’t talk about the venue, or the sexy dancers, or any car games that makes people interested, but not into it.
Urban Klub serves the audience about car culture through communities. This is the only event that makes me feel know only a penny on Indonesian Car Culture. The event was held by Van Kulture and Euro retro enthusiast. Not only both vans or European retro cars attended, but we also spotted japanese cars from all aspect that came. From Alto, retro OEM, to the most typical car-things, the stance cars.
There’s one thing that caught my attention is, where we can see purists attended event like this. We mostly spotted purists that came into a car culture events will pick their events seriously since they’re a quality seekers. Not only they know much, but also most of them are seniors in Indonesian Car Culture. Some them surely knows when 5 million bucks can buy a great piece of original wheels or they can test their car on Kemayoran Circuit back in the days. They’re the people that makes us looks dumb as a car enthusiast.
What amaze me about Urban Klub is that you can see Indonesian Car Enthusiast through generations. From young spirited to seniors, all of them, gathers as one, as a car enthusiast. It was different from others. All that matters from an automotive event was the crowds, and the participant. They’re all that matters. The event itself didn’t talk much about trophies, we didn’t see some guys fighting about ‘the king’ or what so ever since that is not their point to make it. They just want to gather people that love cars from any type of generations.
Urban Klub theme was divided by two and held for two separate days. The first day mostly attended van and mpv also modern European cars. But the next day was even more exciting since there’s so many retro cars attended. From 60s to 90s and from different continent. There’s European cars, rare Japanese cars, Australian (Holden), Italy, and American. It’s really exciting for us since there’s many purist that bring their cars, pure enthusiast with quality of course. But there’s some cool stance enthusiast that bring their cars with quality too. So, we can say that Urban Klub was an event that you can’t miss.
Urban Klub provided an usual concept but with quality. The event was held on Kuningan City’s parking lot and also inside the mall. The other things that makes this event different was the togetherness between enthusiast. On every automotive occasions, when the event was held by car enthusiast, the quality was unquestionable. It was great.
Thank you for the EO for making this event memorable. Ciao!