Thank You 2015. A Recap, and What’s Next

Dear Fellow Enthusiast,

Let me give you my story, our story on 2015 and what we’ve been doing on 2015in one article. It’s been a great year, and we didn’t want to change anything. We learned so much this year, and this is what keep us going. On the first day of 2016, we would like to thank and give our warm regards to you guys, our readers and loyal customers. This year was real up and down for us. But thank God, we survived. Making a concept for a blog or making a new blog or new business is easy. Really. But make it survive, it’s hard. Harder than your math test. for real. .

This year we’ve gather our notable events and feature as our adventures and achievement to you as our blog grows. Because it’s our first year, we want to review our journey, evaluate, and determine our next step as a blog. Sometimes, the word ‘quit’ was heard a thousand times on my mind. Especially when realizing this is a ‘project fun’ when the income on this site was still for having fun only. By accepting the reality that I need to get a job. But, running the sometimes give my a sight of adventure. With this blog I can travel to capture Indonesian Car Culture on a few region in Indonesia. It was a fun experience.

Jakarta Meet Up-1-117

Jakarta Meet Up-1-9

Jakarta Meet Up-1-36

Jakarta Meet Up-1-123

Jakarta Meet Up-1-125

The Jakarta Meet Up was one of our notable Event Coverage in 2015. It was an honor to cover one of the largest car meet up in Jakarta, or even Indonesia. We are very thankful to Riswan Rusdiansyah who invited us as a media partner. The meet up was filled with many attendance with high quality of modifications. We really enjoyed the hype and really refreshed our eyes. Give some inspirations by saw many proper modifications in cars. Not just ‘Be patient I’m lowered’ kind of people. Anyway, we love car meet up. It was the place when you can bring your car, admire fellow enthusiast without being judge. Because sometimes, only you who can judge your own car. Because you know the story behind it, how much money you spent for it, how much struggle, how much time, or anything that you sacrifice to your car or how much joy, how much sadness that you experienced with your car. It became sentimental.

Speed Matsuri Honda Funday-1

Speed Matsuri Honda Funday-1-73

Speed Matsuri Honda Funday-1-91

Speed Matsuri Honda Funday-1-95

Speed Matsuri Honda Funday-1-52

Speed Matsuri Honda Funday-1-29

Speed Matsuri Honda Funday-1-45

Another notable event on 2015 was while we proposed the Goodrides to cover their pilot event, Speed matsuri-Honda FunDay. An unique event from the Goodrides that seek quality on their event. The event was not just a Honda Enthusiast meet up, but the participant also can taste the Sentul International Circuit. It was full of fun, gas, speed, and Honda!

Speed Matsuri Honda Funday-1-20
Anyway this is my first time go to Sentul International Circuit. LOL! But my first time went to Sentul Int’l Circuit, I need to WALK almost 2KM to get a nice shot with Iman Kurniawan. But not me who taste the hot air of Sentul International Circuit.

Speed Matsuri Honda Funday-1-24

Iman also sacrifice himself to the ‘horse track’ without being scared of getting hit by the reckless participant. Luckily, all of the Speed Matsuri Honda Funday got a serious brief about race disciplines.


Later this year, we’ve been invited by our fellow friend, Mr Josua Paul from Speedtuner Indonesia to cover his event with the Sweet Stance guys from Yogyakarta, called #FITMENTFREAX. One of the largest meet up on Central Java.



The #FITMENTFREAX had given me many experiences. I travel alone from Jakarta then arrive at Yogyakarta to met fellow friend from Jakarta, Bang Hugo, and the Goodrides and we had fun with the organizer and the local communities there, called Kreasi Otak Gue (K.O.G) Yogyakarta. But in this event, I met the guys from Bogor, The Stance Solidarity. I really thank them (Syafik & Naufal) and apprecate them for being a good friend and lending me a hotel to stay because some issue that I didn’t have one more night to stay at Yogyakarta. Kudos to you guys πŸ˜€

West Java-4

West Java-6

West Java-9

West Java-17

West Java-19

Then later this year, we’ve been invited by the Paguyuban Organizer to cover their meet up, called Bandung West Java Automotive Car Show. We really loved how the concept was being applied. This is the first time we saw a meet up on the airport, especially on Bandung International Airport, the Hussein Sastranegara Bandung!. We really enjoy how the crowd and the cars. It was one of our spectacular experience to see many car enthusiast on different region of Indonesia.

Lanud Tabing-3

Lanud Tabing-10

Lanud Tabing-11

On last November, I’ve been invited to Lanud Tabing Padang by our fellow friend, Audi to cover his friend’s event, the Saga Speed Lover Meet Up and Drag Race. This time, we go out of Java Island to Sumatra Island to see Padang enthusiasm in cars. It was cool how they still enjoy the event even though there’s a thick Haze because of the wildfire in Pekanbaru, Riau. This time we met fellow car enthusiast, Mr Dewa ‘Bangke’ and Rio ‘Babi’ Anyway We called Mr Bangke because Dewa always curse with the ‘bangke’ word. I don’t know why he like to say the ‘bangke’ word, but it’s his trademark. Rio was called ‘Babi’ because there’s some people told me that his face has a similarity with the pigs. Maybe he has a delicious face πŸ˜›

This time I travel alone again. Without the whole Rolledlife crew. But, it’s okay because I can still meet my friend from Jakarta like Mrs. Ria from, Mr. Prayoga from Speedtuner Jakarta, Mr Fahmi harahap and Mr. Ryan from simpleandlow and we had FUN in Padang. We also eat a lot of Nasi Padang and make us bore to eat that food again! LOL. Anyway Padang has a delicous Kop Milk. You guys should try that!






On the last month of 2015, we’ve been invited by Mr. Eka Budhi Irawan for attending the Goodrides & PT. Pertamina event, Gas In Flat Out 90s Holiday Edition. We really love how Indonesian car culture was moving really fast this year. There’s so much event that really fun this year. The Gas In Flat Out had given me and many inspirations on making a great event!

I admit that this year we got too much of event that we didn’t concern about the stories on car features anymore. But there’s also a notable car features that makes us still who we are. We seek stories of a car. That’s why we made the

168 GTR-1

168 GTR-1-44

168 GTR-1-46

168 GTR-1-37

168 GTR-1-6

168 GTR-1-7

One of our notable car features was when we successfully featured the first Nissan GTR Liberty Walk in Indonesia. Anyway you may realize that there’s many features that came from our own friend. But this time it was not. We need to make it as the coolest by scouting many places in Jakarta, and finally we chose Ancol by scouting the place 7 days before taking the photo shoot. This was also when we can be on our full team to cover this car. The person who bring the camera was Me/ Wailan Hizkia Rawung, Iman Kurniawan, Tonan Jihano Sinaga, and Alfred Tamara

It was such an awesome experience to shot this beauty. But one thing that I learned, the owner was really humble that he spend a lot of money to built a car for his own satisfaction. You may realize, why this car rarely seen on other media, or event Instagram. Rarely people knows that there’s one GTR R35 with Liberty Walk in Indonesia. Anyway the owner not just so busy with his job, but he really didn’t want people know him as the owner of the Liberty Walk. He just want people know the GTR Liberty Walk Identity as 168 GTR, not his name. We think that this man was a pure car enthusiast.

Azka E Klasse-1-3

Azka E Klasse-1-5

Azka E Klasse-6-2

This year, we also meet exceptional enthusiast. This year we met Azka who’s also now helping us. Anyway his story was about concern in his own opinion on modifying his W210. You may realize that there’s no such thing as 19 inch Carlsson 3/11. Honestly, The wheels was basically based on Carlsson 3/11 16 Inch one piece constructions. Then customized into a 3 piece constructions wheels with step lips. The result was outstanding. The specifications meets what Azka needs, a 19 inch Carlsson 3/11 3 Piece Constructions 9,5 and 10,5 wide.

But as far as we know, that Indonesian Costumized wheels was still not trust-able. But until now, his wheels was still on a good conditions. He said that he didn’t think of anyone’s opinion about his built. He just go with his own ways.

Kikianugraha GT86-15

Kikianugraha GT86-17

Kikianugraha GT86-21

Kikianugraha GT86-26

kikianugraha GT86-57

Later this year, we’ve met Mr. Kiki Anugraha with his Toyota FT86 Rocket Bunny. For us it was a notable experience in 2015 because we really want to shot Mr. Kiki FT86 on AEON Mall. So this is our first time to make an official permit to the AEON Management. As their approval on doing a photo shoot, we nailed it. It was a great moment for seeing a true built of FT86 on how perfect the build and how detailed the build was.

Riswan Ferio-1

Riswan Ferio-4

Riswan Ferio-6

Riswan Ferio-8

Riswan Ferio-27

Last but not least, we really feel that capturing Mr. Riswan Honda Civic Ferio was one of notable car feature on 2015. This time we really chose a car feature based on its story. From Mr. Riswan we learned something about a quality built. A built that not about fame, but personal satisfactions. What your cars can bring, how much friend that you can make from cars, and your own feel to your car because the memories that you’ve got.

Anyway this year was make me think on what’s ahead. By having a full time job on one of the largest E-Commerce in Indonesia was taking my whole time on my job. Iman also got a job on a local digital agency, Tonan Jihano was also busy doing his final thesis and working as a photographer also a programmer, and Azka that also busy making a good business. So, The would be our weekend projects. But, we don’t know what’s ahead so we will enjoy and create the best from us to you

We really want to make a coverage that shows a true quality not just the story, but the content like photos and videos. As my vision on making the was to seek quality in car enthusiast. Not just their own personal gallery. We also want to make as the other countries portal on Indonesian Car Culture. We hope that Indonesian Car Culture will be recognized world wide. That’s why we still use English as our language. Even though many people, and expert still recommend us to use Indonesian language, but we still hold on our vision.

So Thank You 2015, We hope for the best of 2016. Happy New Year!

Wailan Hizkia Rawung

ロールドラむフ. We are a automotive media that uncover the stories of Indonesian car culture and their enthusiasts. We are seeking for the car, style, and passion. Based in Jakarta, since 2014.