Last week, we’ve seen another side of Indonesian Car Culture. On 8 August 2015, Speedtuner Indonesia has invited us to attend their collaborative events with Sweet Stance called #FITMENTFREAX that held on Sindu Kusuma Edupark, Yogyakarta. The purpose of the events was to gather all the stance and hellaflush enthusiast all over Central Java, especially Yogyakarta. Based on what we’ve seen, the people of Yogyakarta was quite enthusiastic about the events. Anyway, the first thing that we praise of the Yogyakarta City was their smooth road. The perfections of their road quality was top notch. That’s why so many stance enthusiast still applies the static suspensions setups rather than putting bags on their car. Surprisingly, Many of them still drive their lowered-to-the-ground car on a daily basis. Maybe Yogyakarta might be a paradise of stance enthusiast! LOL On the day before the show, we’ve got a little bit curious about the cars that will attend the meet up. It was our first time to attend an event that held out of town. So, we go to SKE Park while they load the cars to the venue. We’ve seen around 265 cars attended the #FITMENTFREAX and so many of them surprised us. So, here’s our best shot while they load the cars.
After we’ve seen what we need to see, finally we got some rest and wait for tomorrow awesomeness. The next day, all the cool cars was on their best line ups. From VIP attendee to Regular attendee all show the best shape of their cars. Like this ‘ASUKABEH’ merc. All the qualities that we seek was on this car.
This merc was one of the cleanest on #FITMENTFREAX. What surprised us was the paint. The Grey Epoxy on W124 was quite great!
All the crowds was very supportive. Even the weather was so hot that day, all the people still gather and having a blast on #FITMENTFREAX. They also play the games that provided by Simpleandlow, Goodrides, and Speedtuner. The games was simple. Simpleandlow create a car limbo, Goodrides with their cool ‘Out of the Box’ games, and Speedtuner with their cool Rev Battle.
Honda Genio was not as famous as Honda Estilo. But this guy right here was playin it right with Starform 5-Speed. Perfect Fitment and still, proper.
Anyway, we’ve recognize this infamous Honda was attended the show. Even the car seems not done yet, but the fitment still awesome as F! It makes us curious about what will happened next on this Red Honda Civic FD
Another Hondas that caught our attention was this pristine and stock condition Honda Civic. As a 90s car, it was hard to keep the condition like this. Kudos to the owner!
The Crowds was awesome! Like we said, it was extremely hot in Yogyakarta, the sun was shining like hell but the people still enjoying the show! Surely, it was happened because the great job of the Organizer, and also their cool DJ!
On this event, we met so many new friends. Like the Stance Solidarity Crew that kindly let us borrowed their wide lenses! Glad to know them!
There’s also a stunning E60 with deep dish Work Meister. Good combo!
There’s some people came into our booth and asked about who we are. But we’re glad with their hospitality and also a good sale! LOL