Saga Speedlover Meet Up and Drag Race at Lanud Tabing Padang – Cool Spirit of Enthusiast

On last 25th October 2015, we’ve been invited by our friends Mr Dewa from Restart Autoclub Pekanbaru to attend the Saga Speedlover Meet Up and Drag Race at Lanud Tabing Padang. At that time you may know about the Haze that had been all over Sumatra – Singapore – Malaysia, and that is really a unhealthy yet annoying situations to breath from a toxic air. But, when we saw the great spirit of Padang Car Enthusiast, we’re very glad of them.

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The Saga Speedlover Meet Up and Drag Race really one of a big event that held in Sumatra, especially Padang. So, here’s our coverage on how cool that event was. Also there’s a video on the end of this article. Be sure to watch that yes? .

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Cool Lancer Evolution after QTT. Looks simple thou, but I think the owner forgot to wash his car, but it’s hazing that day. So, yeah…

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This cool Honda Jazz is also pushing its capabilities to its limits. We’re aware that this car is boosted.

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Anyway, there’s so many Japanese Cars enthusiast in Padang. We almost rarely seen European cars there.

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Cool fitment for Honda Stream. But I think the side skirt a little bit miss match from the whole body. Anyway, we’re very appreciate how this Honda Stream Community attend the meet up. It was really a blast. Good to know that there’s a single type car club that still willing to attend a meet up. Good Job.

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This Honda Civic is so clean and perfectly built. We always love and appreciate the owner that keep the car clean and put parts that won’t break the concept.

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Wow, this is the moment When I saw this Corolla Dx and makes me want one in my garage!

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The happy team! Prayoga from Speedtuner Jakarta, Ria from, Me, Dewa from Restart Auto Club, Ryan from Simpleandlow, B*bi from Restart Auto Club, and Fahmi from Speedtuner Medan.

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That boosted Honda Fit is always attract my attentions. With its Spoon side mirror, Recaro Seats, and also… BOOSTED.

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Anyway, this two guys was very happy to get the cool stuffs from our friend Speedtuner, and with their great spirit suddenly ask me to take their picture while I think they want to call me. That’s some awkward situations but it’s fine. LOL

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Here’s a video for what’s happened in Padang. See you guys on next event!!

ロールドライフ. We are a automotive media that uncover the stories of Indonesian car culture and their enthusiasts. We are seeking for the car, style, and passion. Based in Jakarta, since 2014.