The 2015 was a great year for Car Enthusiast. The Jakarta Meet Up 2015 Presented by provides the participant a different experience than the last events. Took place in the classy Flavor Bliss Alam Sutera, the meet up was really step into the higher level. To attend the meet up all the participant should pay IDR 150,000. But it was worth the price. The privileges to be Jakarta Meet Up Participant you’ll get IDR 50,000 Flavor Bliss Voucher, that means you can buy anything in the Flavor Bliss’s tenants worth IDR 50,000. Not just that, there’s Wall of Fame where all the participant could took a picture and also a riding bull!!? This year also gave all participant more advantages by giving Shell Voucher. Around 350 cars attended this meet up, and there’s people can’t attend this meet up because they not got their slot on time. So we can say that this Jakarta Meet Up 2015 was one of the coolest yet classy meet up in Indonesia.
The Jakarta Meet Up was founded after the successful Indonesian Stance Lover Meet Up. Then 2014 was their first biggest debut with the same team from the previous events. More than 250 cars attended the meet up and enjoy themselves as a car enthusiast, sharing the same passion without any competition between them. All we can say that The Jakarta Meet Up last 2014 was a total success. Unlike any other car meet up or car events in Indonesia, The Jakarta Meet Up provide us with a great amount of quality to meet the fellow car enthusiast. While stance wasn’t the major priorities the meet up itself provide many type of modifications to attended the events. In this meet up you’ll meet many cool cars, rare cars, or even the unique ones!!. What we appreciate about Jakarta Meet Up was the experience that we’ve had was better year by year.
This first part of coverage will show you how the event started and how the line ups went to the Wall of Fame.
The Event itself divided into two parts. First all the participant should meet at the meeting point in Plaza Senayan’s Parking lot to meet their Person In Charge to get to the venue. Unlike the last Jakarta Meet Up, The convoy itself was divided into several parts with their PIC. To brings 350 cars altogether would cause traffic jam and made troubles with the traffic. So the wise committee divided the convoys. Each car club or community can have their own line ups with different time of departure. The results was tidy. Jakarta Meet Up 2015 didn’t cause any traffic and all the participant could be on time.