Hot Import Daze 29-30 November 2014 at Ecovention Ancol Part.2 – A Car Enthusiast Show Off and Gathering

After you see all the preparations and who’s our representatives we’ll give you all the crowds and the gathering that came from Hot Import Daze. The event itself gave most of the participant a true gathering and some space to show off their cool cars. All type of modification, all type of people, and also girls! LOL. So, Enjoy the rest of our pictures while you see the hospitality of our representatives.

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As you can see the friendship Involves between enthusiast. Here’s from SimplyFitment !!!

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Mr. Randy from SimplyFitment do some narcissistic pose! LOL

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Here’s from Low Firm. Look at the smiles that came from a great events. We hope we’ll see more of this kind of thing in the future!

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And what a great surprise to meet Mr. Wataru Kato from Liberty Walk Japan. Himself and his crew got our T-shirt and Stickers for their smiles and generosity. RESPECT!

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Look at Indonesian Car Society. What a cool booth and preparations bro!

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This is Iman Kurniawan, Proudly Rolled.Inc Videographer. You’ll see his videos of Hot Import Night and Hot Import Daze soon!. Look at his enthusiasm while trying to sell our stickers!

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Mr. Mommy Lesmana the founder of GettinLOW is smiling at the best representatives and booth at Hot Import Daze and that’s GettinLOW Booth!

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No caption needed, It’s a heaven for car enthusiast! LOL

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Do we forgot to tell you If you see Hot Import Night that you can see great cars, great models, and also great crowds!

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And this is our proud representatives line ups! COOL!!

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a sleek Mini Cooper Cabriolet Spotted!

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You’ve seen one of this. Mr. Herry Toyota Soluna sittin proud! One of the coolest Toyota Soluna in Town!

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You can see any beast in here? LOL. There was Indonesian Car Society Representatives!

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In here, you’ll see many great rims! And this Honda Jazz had it too!

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Honda CR-V with Weds sport TC-05? Why not? COOL!

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The famous Gustavo Pane and Mr. Giovanni Toyota Celica GT-Four with its new color! My eyes can’t blink at the blue ones.

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VIP-Car Indonesia Sittin’ proud. Looks like a pack of Yakuza? But relax, they’re good guys!! and you can see this sleek VIP-Nissan Cima below? Bow down, Sir!

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Coolest Toyota Celsior we’ve ever seen in Indonesia! Respect to the owner.

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Mr. Harun outstanding Honda Freed with CCW wheels.

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Mr. Rangga with his sleek and functional Ford Focus. So, That’s all the Part One. Thanks for seeing.


Words: Wailan Rawung
Photo: Wailan Rawung


ロールドライフ. We are a automotive media that uncover the stories of Indonesian car culture and their enthusiasts. We are seeking for the car, style, and passion. Based in Jakarta, since 2014.