After seeing many drifting events that rises in Indonesia, you may want to build or have one car to be drifted with. As we can see, Indonesian automotive industry growth every year. That’s why there’s so many upcoming automotive event in Indonesia. Ramadhan Primananda (Rama) loves drifting and he always dreamed to built his daily driven car to be a drift ready but still capable in daily driving, Dailydrift he says. But after having trial-error, and many personalization in building his Braga (the name of his car), Rama soon changes his mind the reasons you will soon find out.
This dolphin-like body shape has made Rama love the e36 series. The 3rd generation of 3 series that called e36 was the next level of BMW body design at that time. The aerodynamics was the first concern of BMW’s engineers at that time. This series also offers more space for the users and you may know that this 3rd generation was the first 3D door panel of BMW Series. You may see this video for more BMW e36 History.
After bought this car, Rama soon realized this car was his hidden treasure. Rama as first want to build a drift car bought this car because of the engines that have been stroke up to 3.0L from the previous owner. But sadly this car was on a terrible condition. Knock offs rims, many problems from the engines, air conditioning problems, and the worst, a covered interiors with a low quality leather.
But after restore the car’s condition, one by one, finally Rama found his car’s hidden treasure. After tearing all the low quality leathers from his seats, Rama soon found that his car was the e36 Japan Version with red on red interiors and with a Japan version speedometer. In the Japan Version e36 you can see the ‘JPN’ initials below the KM/H indicator on the Speedometer. After found out that his car was one of the rare e36 on the street, Rama finally decide not to build his car to be a drift car. He want to keep the car in ‘Mint’ condition and enjoys the driving pleasure that BMW has offers to all of their customers.
We believed there’s a struggle and sacrifices in building cars. Rama who’s senior in Senior High School build his car step by step. With the savings he had for bringing his lunch food from home following a Rapidtone diet for better health and not spend much money on the school breaks, he can add Racing Dynamics wheels, LTW Wing E36 M3, M-tech full body kit original. It was worth it. There’s a pleasure for building a car on your own and have bonds with it. That you won’t understand even you’re a car enthusiast either. The feelings are individuals.
Rama hope that he can keep building and taking care of his own car to the another level. The journey is not over yet. We should appreciate all the spirit of building the car you love. It gets sentimental sometimes. But it’s okay.