when we talk about car modifications, we’ve always got our fundamentals opinion. Modifying cars is not just to put all the parts that we want into one car. It’s about form and functions. How good the parts matched with the cars or do the part got a functions on it. Last week, we met Mr. Herry, a car enthusiast. Mr Herry was a true car enthusiast since he’s younger. He told me that the first place he visited after he passed the thesis defense from his college days, was his friend’s garage.
Now, Mr. Herry is a family man. But it’s not stopping him to mod his car. But there’s some part of the car that he want to keep it proper. Mr. Herry did not want to pursue how low his car and how tight the fitment, but he want to pursue his taste which is looks good but still on a proper fitment that he can take his wife and children into many places.
What we think today we need to have some fundamentals opinion about the functions of the cars. We should praise the works of engineering in automotive brands by not ruining it like the demon camber. We like how Mr. Herry put all modifications into his car. Anyway Toyota Soluna have a dependent axles that make the rear suspensions on a dead lock positions. So, Toyota Soluna basically unable to have a rear camber. But there’s some methods to make it camber by customized the rear axles. But this time, Mr. Herry make the rear camber on a proper degrees. His concern of the functions of his car is still on top of the list.
For the wheels, Mr. Herry chose OZ Koenig 17×8,5-9,5 et -+ 40. Last year we met him with Medusa Napre that really stands out among fellow Toyota Soluna owners. But this time, he make it big time. But still on a proper class. That’s how we like some of car enthusiast praise the form but concern the functions.
For interiors Mr. Herry put up Recaro LX that matched with his OEM interior’s color. For the steering wheels he use Nardi Wood Steering-Wheels. For Audio he just changed the Headunits and let the rest on OEM conditions.
He did not want to put many modifications on the exterior. Mr. Herry still concern about the comfort and functions of his Toyota Soluna, so For exteriors, Mr. Herry put up Webasto Sunroof, Universal Lightwasher, and Stanley universal side markers.
Mr Herry is one of good example of car enthusiast. He says that he want to add more modifications especially for rims and paint. So what’s next?
Words and Photo : Wailan Hizkia Rawung