Mirza’s Stanced Mercedes Benz W140 S320 1997 // Fooled Everyone

It’s been a while since our last article. Kali ini gue akan menceritakan tentang seorang car enthusiast yang baru saja gue kenal. Maybe you guys know that many cool cars shared on Instagram! This man was found on Instagram too!. Ya, awalnya gue takjub ketika melihat Mercedes Benz S320 dengan velg MAE Riverside terpampang di […]

Andi Dustin’s Mercedes Benz W202 C230 Slammed // Young Taste

Takjub! Itu kata-kata yang gue ucapkan ketika mendapat undangan untuk melihat suasana car enthusiast di kota Bogor. Tepatnya pada Sabtu pagi di tanggal 27 Februari lalu, Gue beserta the Rolledlife’s team bertolak ke kota hujan untuk menghadiri acara komunitas First Class Bogor untuk meliput acara yg mereka selenggarakan bertajuk “Indonesian Car Festival” yang diadakan di […]

Redefined its Class // Faisal Hendianto W220 with Iforged Retro

After doing several car features, and event coverages by being a media partner here and there, we could say our last year was pretty fun. We met some new friends, and also a lot of cool cars, from static slammed scrapping all the way fitment to running on air so airdontcare fender to lip fitment, […]

Easy Afternoon Ride – Quality over Quantity

There’s always be circles in car enthusiast’s world. We often socialized with people that’s not related to our usual social circle. But when there’s one thing that common, our barriers is nothing. Last month we’re invited by our friend Felix who’s a car enthusiast especially euro cars enthusiast. A small meet up just to chit […]

Modsplash 2015 at Waterboom Jakarta

It’s been a year since we attended the Modificartion Modslide 2014 and yesterday they invited us to attend the Modsplash. A little bit like modslide, but minus the drift show. Anyway the ambience of the event is still cool. While swimming at the Waterboom Jakarta, we can see all the great builts that sittin’ nicely […]

Bandung West Java Automotive Car Show 2015 – Totally Awesome!!

Last week we’ve been invited by our new friend, the Paguyuban Organizer to fill up their event media partners line up for the Bandung West Java Automotive Car Show 2015. It was one of the most prestigious event in west java. In my opinion, having a ‘West Java’ and ‘Bandung’ as a name of an […]

BMW F10 520i – Widen’s Keen Sense of Taste

Having a new BMW is so much pleasure. Anyway we may seen many BMW F10 Type on the road. But it’s rarely to see them modified on the street. But there’s some people who still want to make their car looks cool, but still can enjoy it’s driving pleasure. Having a BMW is not about […]

Mercedes Benz CLK 240 Avantgarde 2004 – Marco’s new projects

When somebody was so into things and so passionate about somethings, there’s no stop. Money, age, or even tastes won’t matters anymore. Let’s meet Marco who’s a car enthusiast and modify his car since 2008. For him, there’s always be a never ending project. After done selling his top notch built Audi A4, finally Marco […]

BMW 330i x 325i E46 – The EURO JDM bros

Based on our journey in the car-scene, we consider that we have two type of enthusiast. The first one was purist, a pure enthusiast that always insist on traditional rules and heritage in a car brand and praised the origin tuner. The second one was the open minded enthusiasts, a person that put all their […]

F10 Crew Indonesia – Morning Run on Independence Day!

Last week, we’ve been invited by the guys from F10 Crew Indonesia to get along their Morning Run during the Independence day on 17 August 2015. Nowadays, the morning run event was quite a common thing to do especially on Indonesian Independence day. While almost everybody spent their time on their home or even attended […]

Speedtuner x Sweet Stance // #FITMENTFREAX 2015 Yogyakarta

Last week, we’ve seen another side of Indonesian Car Culture. On 8 August 2015, Speedtuner Indonesia has invited us to attend their collaborative events with Sweet Stance called #FITMENTFREAX that held on Sindu Kusuma Edupark, Yogyakarta. The purpose of the events was to gather all the stance and hellaflush enthusiast all over Central Java, especially […]

Tough Influence – Azka Yuqatamma’s W210 2002

Talking about boundaries, last month we talked about the brave 168GTR to tear up his Nissan GTR R35’s Fenders to applied the Liberty Walk wide body kit. But now, it’s about a person who brave enough to put a custom job to get the best fitment into his car. This guy is one proof of […]

ロールドライフ. We are a automotive media that uncover the stories of Indonesian car culture and their enthusiasts. We are seeking for the car, style, and passion. Based in Jakarta, since 2014.