BMW E46 330i With BBS LE MANS // Shandy’s Kind Of Taste

When you have gone through many style of modifications, there’s a condition that sometimes you want to have form and functions. Shandy Darmawan has been there and finally he done this. After accidentally sold his Honda Civic ES and successfully built a Toyota Starlet GT, he’s in loved with this BMW E46 330i. 3-Series Story […]
Jungle Land Autophoria 2016 // A Good Start on An Amusement Park

What’s happened when you have a car show on an amusement park? A couple months ago, we’ve been invited by some people from Bogor to attend Jungle Land Autophoria Contest. It was cool actually. To see the coolness of Jungle Land with their wicked amusement park and see some fresh builds from Bogor. So, here […]
Jakarta Meet Up 2016 // Always Be A Good Example of a Proper Car Meet Up

From a self organized car meet up that held on a rest area parking lot into a fancy organized car meet up with almost everything in it. Great amount of high quality modified cars, great communities from high end society to a newbies. Jakarta Meet Up 2016 was successfully reflects what’s a true meet up […]
Mirza’s Stanced Mercedes Benz W140 S320 1997 // Fooled Everyone

It’s been a while since our last article. Kali ini gue akan menceritakan tentang seorang car enthusiast yang baru saja gue kenal. Maybe you guys know that many cool cars shared on Instagram! This man was found on Instagram too!. Ya, awalnya gue takjub ketika melihat Mercedes Benz S320 dengan velg MAE Riverside terpampang di […]
Thank You 2015. A Recap, and What’s Next

Dear Fellow Enthusiast, Let me give you my story, our story on 2015 and what we’ve been doing on 2015in one article. It’s been a great year, and we didn’t want to change anything. We learned so much this year, and this is what keep us going. On the first day of 2016, we would […]